My Blog List

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

INTO THE art jumble JUNGLE...


I  am officially involved in something called the Art Jumble blog...

Every week they put up a challenge. They present a topic and you can generate and post a drawing that conforms to said topic.On the Art Jumble website there's a huge list of past topics you can click on and see a wide range of different  styles.

 This past week the topic was "Image Comics"... 

They publish a daunting variety of comics which I have never read.

I chose characters from "The Maxx" by Sam Kieth.I found some images online of the Maxx and a Jungle Queen character... I don't know if there is a scenario like this in the books...I hope I didn't just give away the surprise ending...uh-oh...

Saturday, January 8, 2011



This cuddly little bastard is the globular incarnation of abominable inactivity. A gremlin of sorts that will sneak up your nose and gum up your synaptic functions.Time will be distorted,minutes will seem to hang slowly while days slip right by. It's presence can also be detected by lack of any detectable change to things like web pages for extended periods.

Remedies for the elimination of such head boogers could be the utilization of  random sketchbook doodles accompanied by babbling text and sippings of cheap merlot .

Don't be a DO-NOT or you'll turn into a DONUT  (round and squishy outside and hollow on the inside)