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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


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I saw this band at a small venue in London,UK, early 2001. My friend Steve Whitehouse was in town and we were just looking for something to do.We didn’t know what to expect when these two cute little Japanese girls stepped onstage and set up a drum machine with a mangy old teddy bear taped onto it.

“That must be the drummer” we all chuckled

The whole room was amused and immediately endeared.

When they started to play…WOW! We were blown away. Straight into it with an elemental force that did not let up for the whole set save for a couple pauses (with feedback) to push a button on the drum machine and prop the teddy bear up again.

Maybe it seemed bigger coming from such a petite looking trio or maybe they had Motorhead stuffed inside that teddy bear. Maybe I just dreamed the whole thing…No! Steve was there...

Sadly Yumi Yumi are no longer together.

There are very few traces of them on the web. I could only find this video with the original guitar duo…Kaori Tsuchida on lead guitar and Yumi Okamura on bass



I read somewhere Yumi Okamura moved on to have a baby. Kaori Tsuchida is still performing with a group called “The Go! Team” lots of stuff to check out HERE ON YOU TUBE. 

Will YUMI YUMI ever return? I hope so. If they do they have permission to use my artwork.

The whereabouts of the stuffed bear is unknown at the time of this writing.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"SPLUG: Filthy Animals" promo

This is a promotional storyboard for what was going to be a series of short rude cartoons written by a local Australian comedian.This is the watered down version after 2 revisions.If I posted the first version I would have had to put a content advisory warning on this site.  The series never got picked up,too bad.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Postcard From Mongolia

Early one Monday I got sent this link to BBC Human Planet from someone who shall remain nameless (Craig Wilson) who also does a blog I will not mention (boardguy).

Inspiring stuff.

I have decided one day I will have to die and come back as an Eagle Hunter…a GOLDEN eagle Hunter….yes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


MUSCLECAR:Written and Directed by Dwayne Labbe. Coming soon! My name is on it for pretending to be an actor and I also did some comic-type art for it.Here is some early promo stuff Dwayne put together...